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Approved Milk Donors

You are AMAZING! We can not thank you enough for being willing to improve the health and survival of babies across the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Donating milk is a unique gift and we are honored to be part of your story.


Photo of hands writing numbers on plastic bags filled with breast milk.

Are you ready to donate your milk?


Once you have been assigned your donor number, we can accept your milk donation. Depending on where you live, we have four options to safely transport your milk to Northwest Mothers Milk Bank.


All milk donations are required to have an Illness, Medication and Travel Form. Find the form in the Useful Links below. 


  • Check to see if there is a Milk Drop location near you. Many of our milk drops have had to adjust hours during the pandemic so please contact them directly before dropping off your milk.

  • If you do not live in the greater Portland or SW Washington area, you can request a free shipping container directly to your home. Return shipping is pre-paid and detailed instructions are included in the box. You can use the same form to request complimentary milk storage bags. 

  • Do you live in the greater Portland or SW Washington area? Consider driving your milk to the milk bank in Tigard, Oregon. We embrace any opportunity to meet our milk donors! Give us a call to let us know when to expect you, 800-204-4444.

  • Are you planning to be in the greater Portland area and would like to schedule a tour of  NWMMB? We love to meet our milk donors and their families. Call us at 800-204-4444 or email us a to schedule a visit..

Tell Us More About You!


Each of our milk donors have their own reason for giving back to the community. We would love to hear your story and often feature stories on our social media. We also love receiving pictures of your experience being a milk donor. Share your story



Lactation Support


Our donor screening staff are International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants. We are happy to talk with you about any questions, feeding challenges, returning to work, or potential changes in your milk donor status. Feel free to call us at 800-204-4444 or email us at



Useful Links

A Milk Donor's Guide to Donating Milk

Notice of Privacy Practices (English)

Notice of Privacy Practices (Spanish)

Shipping Video

Shipping Your Milk (Spanish)
Illness and Medication & Travel Form (Spanish)

Illness and Medication & Travel Form (English)
Covid-19 Information

Publicity Release

Share Your Little Love Story
Tips for Cleaning Your Pump - CDC (English)
Tips for Cleaning Your Pump - CDC (Spanish)

Useful Links
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