Donate After A Loss
We are so sorry for your loss.
We know your heart is grieving, but your body may continue responding to your birth.
We are here to discuss the options for your breastmilk.

You may want to do everything you can to stop milk production as quickly as possible; you may wish to pump and donate your expressed milk to a milk bank instead. As with all aspects of grieving, there is no right or wrong answer about what to do.
Expressing and Donating Your Milk
You may have already begun expressing and storing your milk. Milk expressed either by hand or with the help of a pump can be refrigerated, then stored in the freezer until donation. Expressing your milk can occur for as long as you want and may be donated in honor of your baby. Any amount of breastmilk will be accepted for donation.
Suppressing Your Milk
If you prefer to stop your milk production, there are safe ways to do so. Some helpful tips:
Don’t bind your breasts. Binding may cause plugged ducts and infection.
Cabbage leaf compresses are an easy home remedy proven to reduce engorgement and dry up milk supply.
Don’t be afraid to relieve discomfort by expressing some milk. Express just enough to soften your breasts, but not enough to empty them completely.
If you have additional questions about suppressing, expressing, storing, or donating your milk, contact your lactation consultant or Northwest Mothers Milk Bank.
Useful Links
Breast Massage and Hand Expression Following Perinatal Loss Video, compliments of Breastfeeding Medicine of Northeast Ohio
Baby Blues Connection , visit online or via text or phone at 1-800-557-8375
The Dougy Center, visit online or via tollfree phone at 866-775-5683